4 Minimally Invasive Treatments to Relieve Hip Pain

4 Minimally Invasive Treatments to Relieve Hip Pain

Approximately 10% of the population suffers from hip pain, and the prevalence only increases with age. Injury, overuse, and arthritis can all cause chronic, debilitating pain, lowering your mobility and quality of life. Luckily, an intense and expensive hip replacement isn’t your only option; there are minimally invasive treatments to reduce your pain and help you manage your condition. 

At Progressive Spine and Sports Medicine in Ramsey, New Jersey, our team of experienced pain medicine doctors work closely with you to identify the source of your hip pain and offer a range of minimally invasive options for ongoing pain management.

Understanding hip pain 

The hip is the largest joint in the body, followed by the knee. It is a ball-and-socket joint, with the round head of your femur fitting into the acetabulum (socket). Like your shoulder, another ball-and-socket joint, this allows for a wider range of movement. 

Your hip joints are remarkably durable, enduring decades of pressure, friction, and repetitive motion. However, like every joint in the body, it experiences wear-and-tear as you age. Injuries, overuse, and degenerative conditions can only worsen the damage, leading to chronic hip pain. 

Common symptoms of hip pain include: 

Minimally invasive treatments for hip pain 

Before the team at Progressive Spine & Sports Medicine can begin treatment, they must diagnose the cause of your pain. A physical exam and review of your medical history might be all your provider needs, but they may use diagnostic imaging tools like X-rays or MRI to get a more thorough diagnosis. 

Treatment for hip pain depends on what is causing the pain in the first place. Mild injuries like sprains or strains can be treated using bedrest and physical therapy, whereas a fracture might require surgery before it can heal.

If you are experiencing chills and fever along with a hot, swollen hip, you should seek immediate medical attention for a possible joint infection

However, most cases of chronic hip pain in adults are caused by arthritis, which can be treated using minimally invasive methods. Examples of these include: 

1. Joint injections

Injections that include steroids can reduce inflammation and pain for months after the procedure. 

2. Regenerative medicine 

Stem cell therapy uses healthy donor cells to encourage healing and improve mobility.

3. Electrical stimulation

Electrical impulses interrupt pain transmissions and stimulate blood flow in the hip joint.

4. Acupuncture and electroacupuncture

Both of these options encourage blood flow and boost the production of pain-relieving hormones. 

At Progressive Spine & Sports Medicine, we offer all of these services, along with other conservative treatments like physical therapy, athletic taping, and more. To begin finding solutions for your chronic hip pain, schedule a consultation by calling 201-201-0443, or request an appointment online

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